Thursday, January 1, 2009

Down 2008 memory lane..........

I was watching the famous Time Square Ball drop on TV while trying to shake LB out of his sleep. I can't believe it is just a few seconds away and he was asleep, he kept murmuring I am not sleeping. After about 18 hours trying to make it back for the new year in New York city, LB finally arrived from naija 20.00 hours on the thirty first of December 2007. Thank God for journey mercies.

2008 was the year I finally hit my scary age. It did not help that my birthday was on valentine's day - the whole valentine thingy started right after the new year's day. By first of February, I was close to letting it all out. Two friends of my friends BSchool were having a birthday bash for themselves on the second of February, one of them a few light years younger than thirty. I was trying to convince LB to come out with us - still the most difficult duty ever - and right there and then I realized how far I was from the entries in my first journal. Through some sort of hormonal tinted glasses, I concluded my life was over - thirty and not married, not exactly a size that can fit into my dream wedding dress anymore. For the next week, I could not care less if everything else fell apart. You can guess who was getting the brunt of my frustration. With the benefit of hindsight -which is fast becoming 50/50 - I realized my body was probably over-producing those hormones that magnifies PMS.

By the time val's day finally arrived, I had managed to drag my PMSed body out of its nastiness. Even had a super-awesome birthday lunch with my girlfriends at an up-scaly French restuarant, went to see a movie in the evening, Cuban lunch the next day and finally my first broadway show for my thirtieth birthday. A few days later, found an extra extra old friend through Nigeria and continued as if we never lost touch for twenty years.

At this time, the legal representative of my future employers were on my case. God bless the paralegal assigned to my case, he bugged me to death. I was supposed to leave for Naija in a few days and I was schooled as to the risks. I totally can't complain. I had fun in Naija anyway, spent a little time with everyone. I even saw a dumb movie although I can't remember what it was anymore.

It is April 1, my petitioned has been filed and my body was still working on Naija time. Spewing out e-mails and deliverables at 4am in the was super fun while it lasted. One faithfully Thursday, like a sleeping beauty, I went to bed at 7 pm and woke up on sunday. Yippee, Sexy is finally back.

BSchool was done by 17th of April, and it suddenly hit me like lighting, I signed up for one weird exam that required at least 250hours of my time. It was six weeks a way. Still managed to enjoy being done with school for a few weeks by sitting on the house phone for 12 hours each day (the best days of 2008). Then it was my graduation, it was fun although Fordham still managed to upset me. After graduation, I started a 14 hour day reading session for the CFA exam. A few days to the exam, I reached the limit. Cried for a few days and made peace with the worse that could happen. So, I showed up for the exam anyway.

From this point, a few of what I was upto got documented cos I started my blog. In a few words, I can recount the past months. I walked the Brooklyn bridge and Manhattan Bridge, failed a driving test, went to Ikea, had a guest from hell, moved apartments, started a new job, went to D.C, learnt a few new phrases, my boy became the first black president of the US -"Yes, we can", got engaged, started my wedding dress search and lost my engagement ring. I am still hurting from loosing my ring, so I would not be blogging about the lessons yet.

Drawing the close for the year, I worked earlier in the day, and went for the watch night service.
I pray His light will be my guide in the new year. Thank you Jesus for a wondeful 2008.